A Wedding Took Place
A wedding took place in the village of Cana,
And Jesus, His mother, and followers all came.
The wine was exhausted, and Mary informed Him,
�They have no more wine��this would surely bring shame.
�Dear woman,� He answered, �why do you involve Me?
My time to be recognized has not yet come.�
His mother then said to the servants there waiting,
�Whatever He tells you, now let it be done.�
Six water jars stood there for ritual washing,
Each holding then full twenty gallons or more.
He said to the servants, �Now fill them with water.�
They filled them brimful; there was no room for more.
Then Jesus instructed, �Take some to the master.�
The water had turned into wine�none knew how.
On tasting, the master exclaimed in amazement,
�The choicest and best wine you�ve saved until now!�
When Jesus turned water to wine there in Cana,
This was the first miracle He�d ever done.
His glory He thus did reveal to the people,
And as a result, His disciples were won.
Lord, may I be like them, believing You fully.
And like the stone water jars, may I e�er be,
Filled up to the brim with Your transforming Spirit.
Reveal now Your glory to others through me.
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