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Song of Exodus

Verse 1
God led the chil-dren of Is-rael
By Mo-ses' migh-ty hand.
He parted the sea be-fore them
And then they crossed on dry land.

"Oh, how mar-ve-lous is the pow'r of God
As He leads us on our way.
Pil-lar of a fire we see in the night
And an e-nor-mous cloud by day."

Verse 2
The peo-ple start-ed to mur-mur,
They need-ed some food to eat.
God sent them bread they called man-na
And quail came down near their feet.

"Oh, how mar-ve-lous is the pow'r of God
As He leads us on our way.
Pil-lar of a fire we see in the night
And an e-nor-mous cloud by day."

Verse 3
The mul-ti-tude be-came thirs-ty.
They grum-bled a-gain to him.
God told him to strike the rock, and
Fresh wa-ter poured out for them.

"Oh, how mar-ve-lous is the pow'r of God
As He leads us on our way.
Pil-lar of a fire we see in the night
And an e-nor-mous cloud by day."


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