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Advent Song

As the days grow shorter and darkness descends,
The world refuses to comprehend.
Instead they celebrate with noise and glee;
A holiday without the Nativity.


We will fast and give alms as they did long ago,
We'll feel much lighter,
Our spirits grow brighter;
Our hearts will be all aglow.

'Tis a special time to watch and wait;
It is not yet time to celebrate.
We must strive to bring His love to a world full of hate;
Draw close to the Savior before it's too late.


This mystery we cannot comprehend;
That the Father his dear Son He would lend
To be battered and buffeted and hung on a cross;
The world still hates Him, to its great loss.


As the time of His blessed Nativity approaches
We must patiently bear the world's reproaches;
And watch for His holy birth with awe:
The Savior who came to fulfill the law.


We wait for this sacred mystery to unfold:
The incarnation from ages untold.
Then we will celebrate with gladness and joy
That Christ our Savior was born a baby boy.


copyright: 2008 gary and china fluno




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