A Sinner's Praise
O Jesus, O Redeemer,
With every breath, we want to exalt Thee.
O Son of God, Lord of Lords,
From our great sin, You have set us free.
God's only Son, our only hope.
Jesus will receive all of our praise.
Lamb of God, Almighty God,
We will give You the glory all of our days.
Your grace has brought me up from the deep
Your mercy, O Lord, has saved me from the flame.
I will worship you with all that have left inside me.
Your love has delivered me from myself.
Our salvation is nearer than it has ever been
Our salvation is nearer than it has ever been
My Jesus, my redeemer,
With my every breath, I will praise Your name.
My God and my Lord.
I was a sinner, but now I'll never be the same.
�2007 Kevin Carden
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