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Truth divine

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  1. Truth divine, by angels spoken,
    Clothed in strains of music grand;
    Like a chain with links unbroken,
    Like a rock on which we stand.
    • Refrain:
      Rock of truth, on thee abiding,
      Thus protected we shall be,
      In Jehovah�s presence hiding
      Unto all eternity.
  2. Truth divine, we own its Author,
    Maker of eternal things,
    Praise to Him we gladly offer
    For the hope and grace it brings.
  3. We Thy counsel, Lord, have taken,
    Creeds are crumbling �neath our feet:
    Here we stand, by sin unshaken,
    Here we reign in grace complete.
  4. God of love, we meekly pray Thee,
    Light and life to us impart:
    Uncondemned, we will obey Thee,
    Dwell Thou ever in our heart.


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