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Truly he comes to us |
Christian Hymn Lyrics Online � 2008 Carden's Design. All Rights Reserved. |
Truly he comes to us: darkness is ended; now night is over, his light is ascended: ultimate sunrise, that floods all creation, bringing his secret from death's desolation. Night has made way for the great proclamation; morning has broken, with songs of elation. Christ comes in light from the depths of his prison, death is abandoned, and Jesus is risen. Stripped of the grave-clothes, the body now glorious rises immortal, forever victorious; comes to fulfill all the prophets have spoken; promise of life that will never be broken. Weeping is over, and death is defeated; life is recovered and joy is completed. Guards, at the sepulcher, scatter before him; Jesus is risen, and angels adore him. Highest, most holy, once lost and forsaken: now, from the sleep of the dead you awaken; angels appear at the tomb with the story: "He is not here, but is risen in glory." Give God the glory and glad adoration, from whom and through whom and in whom, creation looks for the joy which, in Christ, we inherit: praising the Father, the Son, and the Spirit! |
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