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Troubles into treasures

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  1. As you journey day by day with Jesus,
    You will meet with problems hard to face;
    If you�re stuck, just ask your Friend to help you,
    He will give you problem-solving grace.
    • Refrain:
      He will turn your troubles into treasures,
      He will turn your sorrows into joy,
      Don�t be down, for He is surely giving
      Happiness to every girl and boy.
  2. Do you say your trials seem unending,
    And your troubles seem so very big?
    But with God a mountain is a molehill,
    And the strongest stump is but a twig.
  3. You will go through days that bring you sorrow,
    Many things may try to get you down,
    But God uses rain to make a rainbow,
    And He�ll use the thorns to make a crown.
  4. Take your troubles to the throne of Heaven,
    There you�ll see them through the Savior�s eyes;
    He can make the most of every moment;
    He can shrink your problems down to size.


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