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Too late to pray

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  1. Dear friends, the time is drawing near
    When life shall pass away�
    �Tis then too late for heav�n to start,
    �Twill be too late to pray.
    • Refrain:
      Too late, too late,
      �Twill be too late to pray;
      Too late, too late,
      When life has passed away.
  2. �Twill be too late when Jesus comes
    On that great judgment day,
    To call His saints to their reward;
    �Twill be too late to pray.
  3. You have no promise of your life,
    But death is on his way;
    How sad �twill be when Jesus says,
    Too late, too late to pray.
  4. We pray you now to heaven start,
    Let Jesus lead your way;
    Don�t wait �til death is on your brow�
    �Tis then too late to pray.


T Lyrics - hymnlyrics.org

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