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To Thee, O God, Whose Guiding Hand
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To Thee, O God, Whose guiding hand
Our fathers led across the sea,
And brought them to this barren shore,
Where they might freely worship Thee�

To Thee, O God, Whose arm sustained
Their footsteps in this desert land,
Where sickness lurked, and death assailed
And foes beset on every hand�

To Thee, O God, we lift our eyes,
To Thee our grateful voices raise,
And, kneeling at Thy gracious throne,
Devoutly join in hymns of praise.

Our fathers� God, incline Thine ear,
And listen to our heartfelt prayer;
Surround us with Thy heavenly grace,
And guard us with Thy constant care.

Our fathers� God, in Thee we�ll trust,
Sheltered by Thee from every harm;
We�ll follow where Thy hand shall guide,
And lean on Thy sustaining arm.


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