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To Save a Poor Sinner Like me
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When Jesus was born in the manger
The shepherds came thither to see,
For the angels proclaimed that a Savior was born
To save a poor sinner like me.
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner like me.
For the angels proclaimed that a Savior was born
To save a poor sinner like me.

He was wounded for my transgressions,
Acquainted with sorrow was He;
In the garden He prayed, and sweat great drops of blood,
To save a poor sinner like me.
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner like me.
In the garden He prayed, and sweat great drops of blood,
To save a poor sinner like me.

He was brought to Pilate for judgment,
He was sentenced to hang on a tree.
?It is finished!? He cried, when He suffered and died
To save a poor sinner like me.
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner like me.
�It is finished!� He cried, when He suffered and died
To save a poor sinner like me.

But death and the grave could not hold Him,
He burst them asunder for thee.
On the third day He rose, in spite of His foes,
To save a poor sinner like me.
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner like me.
On the third day He rose, in spite of His foes,
To save a poor sinner like me.

I�m fighting my passage to Heaven,
O�er death I shall conqueror be.
Then to glory I�ll fly, and shout through the sky:
He saved a poor sinner like me.
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner like me.
Then to glory I�ll fly, and shout through the sky:
He saved a poor sinner like me.


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