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Tis well with me

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  1. Where�er my Savior�s hand may lead,
    Whate�er my lot may be;
    I will not murmur nor repine,
    I�ll know �tis well with me.
    • Refrain:
      Though storms sweep o�er my trembling bark,
      And waves around me swell;
      Still this my ransomed soul shall sing,
      �Tis well with me, �tis well.
  2. Since Jesus shed His precious blood
    That I might ransomed be;
    I know He�ll safely keep my soul,
    Whate�er befalleth me.
  3. Though friends forsake and I alone
    The narrow way pursue;
    Thy grace, dear Lord, I only ask,
    My courage to renew.
  4. Should earthly treasures fade away,
    His promise still I�ll plead;
    And trust Him, for I know He will
    Supply my every need.
  5. Since I am fully saved from sin,
    My joy no tongue can tell;
    And all along the way I�ll sing,
    �Tis well with me, �tis well.


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