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Tis good to live in Canaan

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  1. I heard God�s voice commanding, �Go up, the land possess,�
    And trusting in His grace I followed on;
    From Egypt�s cruel bondage and from the wilderness,
    From Kadesh into Canaan I have gone.
    • Refrain:
      �Tis good to live in Canaan, where grapes of Eshcol grow;
      �Tis good to live in Canaan, where milk and honey flow;
      �Tis good to live in Canaan and full salvation know,
      I find it�s good to live in Canaan.
  2. The land I�m now exploring and getting farther in,
    And tenting toward the highlands every day;
    Still farther from the lowlands of unbelief and sin,
    From glory unto glory all the way.
  3. This land of peace and plenty is yours by faith to claim;
    There�s perfect love and rest from inbred sin;
    Its mountain heights possessing through faith in Jesus� name,
    Cross over and the vict�ry life begin.


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