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Tis better felt than told

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  1. Blest was the hour that heav�nly fire
    Lit up my darkened soul;
    A heavy load, by Jesus� pow�r,
    Did from my bosom roll.
    • Refrain:
      While at the mercy-seat I knelt,
      My Lord I did behold;
      No tongue can tell the joy I felt�
      �Tis better felt than told.
  2. O blessed gift! From off the throne
    There came a living spark;
    A holy light within me shone,
    Where all before was dark.
  3. O holy light! still shine on me
    Sweet rays of heav�nly love;
    Naught else but thee, oh, let me see,
    Till crowned in heav�n above.
  4. Oh, let me feel, from day to day
    His presence still so near;
    A holy light to mark the way,
    While I shall sojourn here.


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