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Thy life was given for me

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Thy life was given for me;
thy blood, O Lord, was shed,
that I might ransomed be,
and quickened from the dead.
Thy life was given for me;
what have I given for thee?

Long years were spent for me,
in weariness and woe,
that through eternity
thy glory I might know.
Long years were spent for me;
have I spent one for thee?

Thy Father's home of light,
thy rainbow-circled throne,
were left for earthly night,
for wanderings sad and lone.
Yea, all was left for me;
have I left aught for thee?

Thou, Lord, hast borne for me
more than my tongue can tell
of bitterest agony,
to rescue me from hell.
Thou sufferedst all for me;
what have I borne for thee?

And thou hast brought to me,
down from thy home above,
salvation full and free,
thy pardon and thy love.
Great gifts thou broughtest me;
what have I brought to thee?

O let my life be given,
my years for thee be spent,
world fetters all be riven,
and joy with suffering blent!
Thou gavest thyself for me;
I give myself to thee.


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