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Thy God Reighneth
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Trembling soul, beset by fears, �Thy God reigneth!�
Look above, and dry thy tears: �Thy God reigneth!�
Though thy foes with power assail, naught against thee shall prevail;
Trust in Him�He�ll never fail:
�Thy God reigneth, Thy God reigneth!�

Sinful soul, thy debt is paid, �Thy God reigneth!�
On the Lord thy sins were laid, �Thy God reigneth!�
On the cross of Calvary, Jesus shed His blood for thee,
From all sin to set thee free,
Thy God reigneth, Thy God reigneth!�

Seeking soul, to Jesus turn, �Thy God reigneth!�
None that seek Him will He spurn, �Thy God reigneth!�
Wandering sheep the Shepherd seeks and, when found, He ever keeps,
For �He slumbers not nor sleeps,�
�Thy God reigneth, Thy God reigneth!�

Join, ye saints, the truth proclaim, �Thy God reigneth!�
Shout it forth with glad acclaim, �Thy God reigneth!�
Zion, wake! the morn is nigh; see it break from yonder sky;
Loud and clear the watchmen cry:
�Thy God reigneth, Thy God reigneth!�

Church of Christ, awake, awake! �Thy God reigneth!�
Forward then, fresh courage take: �Thy God reigneth!�
Soon, descending from His throne, He shall claim thee for His own;
Sin shall then be overthrown:
�Thy God reigneth, Thy God reigneth!�


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