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Though I Speak
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Though I speak in every language,
Prophesy for God above,
Though I understand all mysteries,
I am nothing without love.
Though through faith I can move mountains,
Give the poor all that I gain,
Though I�m burned alive for Jesus,
Without love, my life is vain.

Love is patient, kind, and selfless,
Envies not, nor boasts in pride,
Is not rude or quickly angered,
Never holds a grudge inside.
Love does not delight in evil,
But with truth rejoices e�er;
Trusts, protects, and hopes forever,
Perseveres and always cares.

One day prophecies will finish;
Tongues will in that day be stilled;
Knowledge, too, will pass forever,
When God�s Word is all fulfilled.
Now we only know a fraction,
And as children think and speak;
When perfection comes upon us,
Childish ways no more we�ll seek.

Now we see as in a mirror,
In a blurred and hazy way.
But reflections soon will vanish;
Face to face we�ll see some day.
In that day we�ll all know fully,
As we�re known by God above;
Till then, faith, hope, love still linger,
But the greatest far is love.


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