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Thou, Who Didst Call Thy Saints of Old
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Thou, Who didst call Thy saints of old
Thy chosen flock to teach,
Who mad�st the fearful hearted bold,
And quick the slow of speech;
Still Thou dost ask whom Thou shalt send
And who will go for Thee,
To feed Thy lambs, Thy sheep to tend;
�Lord, here am I; send me.�

O send us�e�en as Thou, O Lord,
Wast by the Father sent�
To speak Thine own absolving word
To sinners penitent;
To wash Thy chosen in the flood
Whereby new birth is given;
To minister the sacred Food,
The Bread of Life from Heav�n.

And Thou, Who didst by prophets deign
To speak the will Divine,
That we may never speak in vain,
May all our words be Thine;
Oh, teach us, Holy Ghost, that we
Thine heritage may teach;
Bid us to prophesy for Thee,
And in Thy power to preach.

So may we, though unworthy still,
Most Holy Trinity,
Thy prophets, pastors, priests, fulfill
Our sacred ministry;
That, when beside the crystal sea
We lay our office down,
The souls that we have trained for Thee
May be our joy and crown.


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