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Thou Remainest
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Thou remainest, blest Redeemer,
Lord of peace and Lord of strife,
Jesus, Savior, Lord forever,
Thou remainest, Christ, my life.


Thou remainest
Thou remainest
Thou remainest, Christ, my all;
Peace or conflict, joy or sorrow,
Thou remainest, Christ, my all.

Satisfying every longing,
Of my sinful soul for grace;
From my weakness never turning,
Thou remainest, Christ, my peace.


One by one my loved ones leave me,
Voices sweet no more be heard;
But of God naught can bereave me,
Thou remainest, Christ, my Lord.


When from earth, Thou, Lord, shalt call me,
Calm I�ll lay my burden down;
For I know, whate�er befall me,
Thou remainest, Christ, my crown.



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