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Thou, O Lord, Art God Alone
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Thou, O Lord, art God alone,
Everlasting is Thy throne;
Through the ages men shall sing
Praise of Heav�n�s eternal King.
Thou, enthroned above the skies,
Wilt for Zion�s help arise:
Let Thy grace to her appear,
For the promised time is near.

If with love compassionate
We, Thy servants, mourn her state,
Wilt not Thou, O gracious Lord,
Help in Zion�s need afford?
Lord, Thy glory shall appear,
Kings and nations then shall fear;
And Thy Name shall be adored
When Thy Zion is restored.

This all ages shall record
For the glory of the Lord;
Thou dost hear the humble prayer,
For the helpless Thou dost care.
Thou eternal art, and great,
Heav�n and earth Thou didst create,
Heav�n and earth shall pass away,
Changeless Thou shalt live for aye.

As one lays a garment by,
Thou wilt change the starry sky
Like a vesture worn and old;
But Thy years shall ne�er be told.
Thou wilt make Thy servants� race
Ever live before Thy face,
And forever at Thy side
Children�s children shall abide.


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