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Thou Art the Everlasting Word
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Thou art the everlasting Word,
The Father�s only Son;
God manifestly seen and heard,
And Heav�n�s belov�d one:


Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou
That every knee to Thee should bow.

In Thee most perfectly expressed
The Father�s glories shine;
Of the full deity possessed,
Eternally divine:


True image of the Infinite,
Whose essence is concealed;
Brightness of uncreated light;
The heart of God revealed:


But the high mysteries of Thy Name
An angel�s grasp transcend;
The Father only�glorious claim!�
The Son can comprehend:


Throughout the universe of bliss,
The center Thou, and sun;
Th�eternal theme of praise of this,
To Heav�n�s belov�d one:



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