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This My Plea
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What I am, Thine eye can see,
Yet I come, O Lord, to Thee.
Though my sins are crimson red,
Yet for me Thy blood was shed.


This my plea, my only plea:
Through Thy off�ring once for me,
I may cast myself on Thee,
Jesus, my Redeemer.

As I am, I seek Thy face,
Kneeling at the door of grace;
O forgive this heart of mine,
Cleanse me now and seal me Thine.


As I am, O bless�d Lord,
I believe and trust Thy Word;
Let my soul no longer roam,
Take, O take the wand�rer home.


Lost, but found, my sins forgiv�n,
Child of God and heir of Heav�n;
Lost, but found, what joy is mine!
Thou dost cleanse and keep me Thine.



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