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This is why I love my Savior

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  1. Shall I tell you why I ceased from folly?
    Why I turned away from sin?
    �Twas because the love of my Redeemer
    Fully won my heart to Him.
    • Refrain:
      This is why I love my Savior,
      Why I love to follow Him;
      For He died my soul to ransom,
      And He washed me from my sin.
  2. Do you ask me why I seek no pleasure
    In the things I once did love?
    �Tis because I�ve tasted life�s pure river,
    Flowing from the throne above.
  3. Would you bid me give to all a reason
    Of the hope I now possess?
    It is Christ in me the hope of glory,
    And His perfect holiness.
  4. Though all men may look on me with wonder,
    At the change that�s taken place;
    I will walk the downward road no longer,
    Bless the Lord for saving grace.


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