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This is the Feast of Heav'nly Wine

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1. This is the Feast of Heav'nly Wine
And God invites to sup;
The juices of the living Vine
Were pressed to fill the cup.

2. O bless the Savior, ye that eat,
With royal dainties fed;
Not heav'n affords a costlier treat,
For Jesus is the bread.

3. The vile, the lost, he calls to them,
Ye trembling souls appear!
The righteous in their own esteem
Have no acceptance here.

4. Approach, ye poor, nor dare refuse
The banquet spread for you;
Dear Savior, this is welcome news,
Then I may venture too.

5. If guilt and sin afford a plea,
And may obtain a place,
Surely the Lord will welcome me,
And I shall see His face.


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