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This is the battle

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  1. Soldier, be quick! Haste thy armor on,
    Fatal if passive you be;
    Watch with thy shield up and sword soon drawn�
    Cometh now thy enemy.
    • Refrain:
      This is the battle you�ve sung about,
      Here you�ll advance or retreat;
      Up! Wield the sword and full vict�ry shout;
      Trusting, the foe you�ll defeat.
  2. Is there an ambush o�erwhelming you?
    Powerful foe you now face?
    Fight, soldier! Stand, and to God be true;
    Plead for victorious grace.
  3. Weary, dear soldier? Come to the throne,
    Strength for each moment implore;
    God will not leave you to fight alone,
    Soon will the battle be o�er.
  4. Conquer now! Here strike the winning blow,
    Here stand thou strong, pass the test;
    Heavenly pow�r here defeats the foe,
    Here by God�s grace vict�ry wrest.


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