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Endris Night |
Christian Hymn Lyrics Online � 2008 Carden's Design. All Rights Reserved. |
This endris night1 I saw a
A star as bright as day; And ever among a maiden sung, �Lullay, by by, lullay.� This lovely lady sat and sung, �My sweetest bird, thus �tis required, The Child then spake in His talking, �For angels bright down to Me light3: �Now, sweet Son, since Thou art a king, �Methinks5 �tis right
that king or knight �Mary mother, I am thy Child, �Ye shall well see that king�s three �Now tell, sweet Son, I Thee do pray, �For all Thy will I would fulfill� �My dear mother, when time it be, �And in thy arm thou hold Me warm, �Now sweet Son, since it is come so, �That child or man, who will or can Some of the archaic terms require explanation: 1This endris night:
The other night, a few nights ago |
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