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This By His Love
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On Passover our Lord prepar�d to,
With His belov�d twelve, His last supper share.
To comfort, and to heal them by His love,
He gave His Body and He gave His Blood.
He gave them freedom and He gave them life.
This by His Love!

There in the upper room, He told the twelve,
That He must die, thus from hell to save,
Our souls held fast by hellish sinful loves,
So we all might find homes in Heav�n above.
He gave us freedom and He gave us life.
This by His Love!

John on His holy breast, did rest his head.
While Peter cried, �I�m Yours unto death.�
Their spirits willing but, their flesh was weak.
But when Christ rose, He called them to the feast.
He gave them freedom and He gave them life.
This by His Love!

We too may share with Christ, our unseen Host,
The Bread of Love, and the Wine supreme.
Our wounded spirits and our sin sick souls,
Our Lord�s great healing love will now make whole.
He gave us freedom and He gave us life.
This by His Love!


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