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They who tread the path of labor

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They who tread the path of labor follow where my feet have trod;
they who work without complaining, do the holy will of God;
nevermore thou needest seek me; I am with thee everywhere;
raise the stone, and thou shalt find me, cleave the wood and I am there.

Where the many toil together, there am I among my own;
where the tired workman sleepeth, there am I with him alone:
I, the Peace that passeth knowledge, dwell amid the daily strife;
I, the Bread of heaven am broken in the sacrament of life.

Every task, however simple, sets the soul that does it free;
every deed of love and mercy, done to man is done to me.
nevermore thou needest seek me; I am with thee everywhere;
raise the stone, and thou shalt find me; cleave the wood, and I am there.


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