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They did not build in vain

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They did not build in vain
who founded here a church
as witness to God's love
amid a world of pain;
for still to those who wish to see,
this place proclaims God's mystery.

They built upon the rock
that is the risen Lord,
the one foundation laid
which stands each earthly shock;
that, Spirit-filled, we here might raise,
as living temples, prayer and praise.

Those who have loved this place,
a cloud of witnesses,
surround and urge us on
as we now run our race;
and so we lay aside each sin
in our resolve to strive and win.

Though the horizon's bend
conceals the way ahead,
the footprints on the road
show Christ waits at the end.
In him alone, our faith shall stand,
who waits for us at God's right hand.

In every place our world
is storm and tempest tossed;
the flames of fear and hate
are evil's flags unfurled;
yet still the Spirit's wind and fire
pour gifts for service in this hour.

Here is our meeting place
where doubt finds grounds of faith;
where hurt finds healing love,
our penitence finds grace;
where bridging time to eternity
is God the Holy Trinity.


T Lyrics - hymnlyrics.org

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