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There's a work for Jesus

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  1. There�s a work for Jesus, ready at your hand,
    �Tis a task the Master just for you has planned.
    Haste to do His bidding, yield Him service true;
    There�s a work for Jesus none but you can do.
    • Refrain:
      Work for Jesus, day by day,
      Serve Him ever, falter never; Christ obey.
      Yield Him service loyal, true,
      There�s a work for Jesus none but you can do.
  2. There�s a work for Jesus, humble though it be,
    �Tis the very service He would ask of thee.
    Go where fields are whitened, and the lab�rers few;
    There�s a work for Jesus none but you can do.
  3. There�s a work for Jesus, precious souls to bring,
    Tell them of His mercies, tell them of your King.
    Faint not, nor grow weary, He will strength renew;
    There�s a work for Jesus none but you can do.


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