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The Righteous Lord |
Christian Hymn Lyrics Online � 2008 Carden's Design. All Rights Reserved. |
1. The Righteous Lord, Supremely Great Maintains His universal state; O'er all the earth his pow'r extends, All heav'n before His footstool bends. 2. Yet justice still with pow'r presides And mercy all His empire guides; Mercy and truth are His delight, And saints are lovely in His sight. 3. No more, ye wise, your wisdom boast; No more, ye strong, your valor trust; No more, ye rich, survey your store, Elate with heaps of shining ore. 4. Glory, ye saints, in this alone: That God, your God, to you is known That you have owned His sov'reign sway; That you have felt His cheering ray. 5. Our wisdom wealth, and pow'r, we find In one Jehovah all combined; On him we fix our roving eyes. And all our souls in raptures rise. 6. All else, which we are treasure call, May in one fatal moment fall; But what their happiness can move, Whom God, the blessed, designs to love? |
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