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  1. �Shall my soul ascend with rapture
    When the day of life is past;
    While my house of clay shall slumber,
    Shall I then with Jesus rest?�
    • Refrain:
      �O my soul, press on to glory!
      Worlds of bliss invite thee on,�
      Evermore to be with Jesus,
      When this walk on earth is done.
  2. �Oh, shall my immortal spirit,�
    Holden now by earthly ties,
    Have at last unbounded freedom
    In those realms beyond the skies?
  3. Shall mine eyes indeed see Jesus,
    He the humble Man of God,
    Who laid down His life a ransom,
    He who saves me by His blood?
  4. Shall mine ears hear strains of music
    From the glad and ransomed throng;
    Shall I join with them in praises?
    With them sing the glad, new song?
  5. Shall my soul arise in triumph
    When the angel calls for me;
    Gladly go with Him to glory,
    There to dwell eternally?

This hymn was begun by Daniel S. Warner shortly before his death, and was completed by Georgia Elliott. The words enclosed by quotation marks are Warner�s.


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