- Farewell, dear friends, I bid you
A loving, last farewell;
I hear my Savior calling,
I soon with Him shall dwell.
Weep not at my departure,
For on that shore I see
The blest of ages waiting
To chant a song for me.
- Farewell, dear friends, remember,
Our walk on earth was sweet,
But sweeter far the ending,
To rest at Jesus� feet.
I fear not death�s dark valley,
Nor tremble with alarm,
For angels wait to bear me
Above the raging storm.
- Farewell, oh, will you meet me
In that celestial land,
Where we shall dwell forever,
And grasp no parting hand?
My work on earth is ended,
And there a starry crown
Awaits me, for I�ve conquered,
I lay my armor down.
- Farewell, dear friends, I�m nearing
The mansions bright above,
My only plea for entrance�
My Savior�s dying love.
And when I shout the chorus
Of Jesus crucified,
The golden doors of heaven
I know will open wide.