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The Lamb's high banquet called to share
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The Lamb's high banquet called to share,
arrayed in garments white and fair,
the Red Sea past, we now would sing
to Jesus our triumphant King.

Upon the altar of the cross
his Body hath redeemed our loss;
and, tasting of his precious Blood,
our life is hid with him in God.

Protected in the paschal night
from the destroying angel's might,
in triumph went the ransomed free
from Pharoah's cruel tyranny.

Now Christ our Passover is slain,
the Lamb of God without a stain;
his flesh, the true unleavened bread,
is freely offered in our stead.

O all-sufficient Sacrifice,
beneath thee hell defeated lies;
thy captive people are set free,
and endless life restored in thee.

We hymn thee rising from the grave,
from death returning, strong to save;
thine own right hand the tyrant chains,
and paradise for man regains.

All praise is thine, O risen Lord,
from death to endless life restored;
all praise to God the Father be
and Holy Ghost eternally.


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