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The home of the soul

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  1. Let us sing a sweet song of the home of the soul,
    The glorious place of our rest;
    It is not far away in the heavens untold,
    But deep in the Infinite breast.
    • Refrain:
      I�m at home, blessed home,
      I am safe in the bosom Divine;
      Oh, the home of the soul,
      Thy heaven of glory is mine.
  2. He that dwelleth in love ever dwelleth in God,
    Sweet home never clouded by fears;
    And this heaven of love is our native abode
    Through time and eternity�s years.
  3. We are only at home in the bosom of God,
    On earth or in heaven above;
    Everyone who would enter must pass through the blood,
    And reign in the kingdom of love.
  4. Do not venture the hope that is waiting for death
    To waft you to comfort and peace;
    There�s no rest for a soul, in this world or above,
    Not saved in the Father�s embrace.
  5. We will enter no door that is opened by men
    Who promise a home for the soul;
    For in Christ we abide in the church that will stand
    While ages eternally roll.


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