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The holy of holies

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  1. There is a blest pavilion,
    A sacred inner court,
    The place of God�s own dwelling
    With all the world shut out.
    Oh, holy resting place!
    Oh, calm and pure retreat!
    Where God unveils His face,
    And life is only sweet.
    • Refrain:
      Oh, sweet and tranquil home,
      Where only God is known!
  2. Within this greater temple,
    Built by the Son of God,
    We�ve found a full salvation,
    And entered through the blood.
    Here on the mercy seat,
    Beneath the cherubim,
    We dwell in love complete,
    And heaven�s glory hymn.
  3. We reach the cleansing laver,
    The blood has been applied,
    Then on the golden altar,
    We�re wholly sanctified.
    Within the second veil,
    Oh, holy! holy place!
    With joyful lips we tell
    The fullness of His grace.
  4. Oh, glory be to Jesus!
    I�ve boldly entered in
    The secret of His presence,
    And triumph over sin.
    My soul is hid away
    In God, with Jesus Christ;
    And here I�ll ever stay,
    In sweet, eternal rest.


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