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The golden harvest

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  1. Oh, why should I be idle,
    While there�s so much to do?
    The wheat is ripe to harvest,
    And the laborers are few.
    • Refrain:
      The laborers are few,
      And still there�s much to do;
      The wheat is ripe to harvest,
      And the laborers are few.
  2. Oh, why should I be idle?
    The morning sun is high,
    And soon it will be sinking
    Low in the western sky.
  3. No I shall not be idle,
    For in God�s word I see:
    �No idlers in My vineyard;
    Go thou and work for Me.�
  4. I�ll be no longer idle,
    But faithful I will be;
    I�ll go and work for Jesus,
    I hear Him calling me.
  5. Why stand ye all day idle?
    There�s harvesting for all;
    Oh, grasp the flaming sickle,
    And heed the Master�s call.


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