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The Cleansing Stream

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  1. We�re living by faith in the Savior alone,
    Who suffered on Calv�ry for sin to atone;
    He�s fully redeemed us from Satan�s domain,
    By raising us up to this glorious plane.
    • Refrain:
      Oh, that stream so deep and wide,
      Flowing from the Savior�s side;
      Oh, that stream so deep and wide,
      �Tis flowing from the Savior�s side.
  2. Oh, precious salvation, so pure and divine!
    �Tis flowing from heaven, its glory is mine;
    Yes, beaming in splendor and flashing so bright,
    It sparkles within us, a heavenly light.
  3. Transparent as crystal, a river of love
    Flows down from the throne of the city above;
    A rainbow o�er circles of glittering hue,
    While under the sprays of its heavenly dew.
  4. Like tides of the ocean its waves over roll,
    O�erflowing with rapture and bliss in the soul,
    Reflecting Christ�s image in us as we call,
    While trusting, obeying our all and in all.


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