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The angels that watched round the tomb |
Christian Hymn Lyrics Online � 2008 Carden's Design. All Rights Reserved. |
1. The angels that watched round the tomb Where, lo! The Redeemer was laid, When deep in mortality's gloom, He his for a season His head; 2. That veiled their face while He slept, And ceased their sweet harps to employ, Have witnessed His rising, and swept, The chords with the Triumph of Joy. 3. Dear saints, who once languished below, But long since have entered your rest; I pant to be glorified too, And lean on Immanuel's breast. 4. The grave in which Jesus was laid, Has buried my guilt and my fears, And while I contemplate its shade, The light of His presence appears. 5. O, sweet is the season of rest, When life's weary journey is done, The blush that spreads over its west The last ling'ring ray of its sun. 6. Though dreary the empire of night, I soon shall emerge from its gloom, And see immortality's light Arise on the shades of the tomb. 7. Then welcome the last rending sighs, When these aching heart-strings shall break, When death shall extinguish these eyes And moisten with dew the pale cheek. 8. No terror the prospect begets, I am not mortality's slave, The sunbeam of life as it sets, Leaves a halo of peace in the grave. |
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