- O ye sick and helpless souls, Jesus speaks to you,
If you wish to be made whole, He tells you what to do�
Obey His word just as you hear it,
Accept His truth and Holy Spirit,
Arise, take up your bed, take up your bed and walk.
- Refrain:
Arise, take up your bed, take up your bed and walk,
Arise, take up your bed, take up your bed and walk;
If you believe, �tis Jesus talking,
Take up your bed and just keep walking,
Arise, take up your bed, take up your bed and walk.
- Jesus speaks, He�s talking still, hear, ye deaf and blind;
He can cure your many ills of body, soul, and mind;
If you would know the truth about Him,
Look up by faith and do not doubt Him,
Arise, take up your bed, take up your bed and walk.
- Doctor Jesus, just the same today as long ago;
Healing waters, in His name as living waters flow;
Now is your time, don�t wait one minute,
Here is the pool, just step right in it,
Arise, take up your bed, take up your bed and walk.