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Take the World for Jesus
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�Take the world for Jesus,� sound the great battle cry,
Let the mighty chorus ring;
�Take the world for Jesus,� raise the bright standard high,
As we shout, as we march, as we sing.

Let the Gospel story roll around the world,
Ev�rywhere let joy prevail,
Since the sacrifice of Christ our Savior
For the sins of the world doth avail.

Let all the nations now in Him rejoice,
Who hath by His precious blood
Redeemed us, and prepared a mansion
In the bright glory land above.

Out on the mountains of sin and despair,
Millions are perishing, needing our care;
Shall we not send them the message today?
Shall we not help without further delay?

Tell them of Jesus Who rose from the grave,
Tell them of Jesus the Mighty to Save;
Plenteous salvation in Him doth abound,
Cleansing and healing in Jesus are found.

�Take the world for Jesus,� sound the great battle cry,
Let the mighty chorus ring;
�Take the world for Jesus,� raise the bright standard high,
As we shout, as we march, as we sing.


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