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Sweet rivers of redeeming love

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1. Sweet Rivers of Redeeming Love
Lie just before my eye;
Had I the pinions of a dove
I'd to those regions fly!
1'd rise superior to my pain
With joy outstrip the wind;
I'd cross death's cold and stormy main,
And leave the world behind.

2. While I'm in prison here below,
In anguish, pain, and smart,
Ofttimes those troubles I forego,
When love surrounds my heart;
In darkest shadows of the night
Faith mounts the upper sky;
I there behold my heart's delight
And would rejoice to die.

3. O come, my Savior, come away,
And bear me through the sky,
Nor let the chariot wheels delay
Make haste, and brings it nigh;
I hope to see thy glorious face,
And in thy image shine,
To triumph in victorious grace,
And be forever thine.

4. Then will I tune my harp of gold
To my eternal King;
In ages that can ne'er be told,
Will make his praises ring.
All hail, triumphant Son of God,
Who died on Calvary,
And saved me, with His precious blood,
From endless misery!

5. Ten thousand, thousand join in one
To praise th'eternal Three,
Prostrate before thy dazzling throne,
In deep humility;
They rise and tune their harps of gold;
And sweet th'immortal lyre,
In ages that can ne'er be told,
Shall raise thy praises higher.


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