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Lord who left the highest heaven |
Christian Hymn Lyrics Online � 2008 Carden's Design. All Rights Reserved. |
Lord, who left the highest heaven for a homeless human birth and, a child within a stable, came to share the life of earth-- with your grace and mercy bless all who suffer homelessness. Lord, who sought by cloak of darkness refuge under foreign skies from the swords of Herod's soldiers, ravaged homes, and parents' cries-- may your grace and mercy rest on the homeless and oppressed. Lord, who lived secure and settled, safe within the Father's plan, and in wisdom, stature, favor growing up from boy to man-- with your grace and mercy bless all who strive for holiness. Lord, who leaving home and kindred followed still as duty led, sky the roof and earth the pillow for the Prince of glory's head-- with your grace and mercy bless sacrifice for righteousness. Lord, who in your cross and passion hung beneath a darkened sky, yet whose thoughts were for your mother, and a thief condemned to die-- may your grace and mercy rest on the helpless and distressed. Lord, who rose to life triumphant with our whole salvation won, risen, glorified, ascended, all the Father's purpose done-- may your grace, all conflict past, bring your children home at last. |
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