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Lord, We Come and Offer Praise
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Lord, we come and offer praise�
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
God of Israel�s chosen race�
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
You�re the everlasting Lord�
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
Greatness and pow�r in You are stored�
Lord we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious Name.

Yours the glory, splendor, too�
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
Heav�n and earth belong to You�
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
Yours the kingdom, now we call�
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
You�re the exalted head o�er all�
Lord we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious name.

Wealth and honor from you spring�
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
You�re the Ruler of all things�
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
In Your hands are strength and pow�r�
Lord we give You thanks, and we praise Your Name.
You exalt, give strength each hour�
Lord we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious Name.


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