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Lord, Thy Glory Fills the Heaven
�Lord, Thy glory fills the heaven;
Earth is with its fullness stored;
Unto Thee be glory given,
Holy, holy, holy Lord!�
Heaven is still with glory ringing;
Earth takes up the angels� cry,
�Holy, holy, holy� singing,
�Lord of Hosts, the Lord Most High.�

Ever thus, in God�s high praises,
Brethren, let our tongues unite,
While our thought His greatness raises,
And our love His gifts excite;
With His seraph train before Him,
With His holy Church below,
Thus conspire we to adore Him,
Bid we thus our anthem flow.

�Lord, Thy glory fills the heaven;
Earth is with its fullness stored;
Unto Thee be glory given,
Holy, holy, holy Lord!�
Thus Thy glorious Name confessing,
We adopt the angels� cry,
�Holy, holy, holy� blessing
Thee, the Lord of Hosts Most High!


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