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Lord, The God of my Salvation
Lord, the God of my salvation, day and night I cry to Thee;
Let my prayer now find acceptance, in Thy mercy answer me.
Full of troubles and affliction, nigh to death my soul is brought,
Helpless, like one cast forever from Thy care and from Thy thought.

Thou hast brought me down to darkness, �neath Thy wrath I am oppressed;
All the billows of affliction overwhelm my soul distressed.
Thou hast made my friends despise me, and companionless I go,
Bound, and helpless in my bondage, pining in my bitter woe.

Unto Thee, with hands uplifted, daily I direct my cry;
Hear, O Lord, my supplication, hear and save me ere I die.
Wilt Thou wait to show Thy wonders and Thy mercy to the dead?
Let me live to tell Thy praises, by Thy lovingkindness led.

Still, O Lord, renewed each morning unto Thee my prayer shall be;
Cast me not away forever, let me now Thy favor see.
All my life is spent in sorrow, grief and terror always nigh,
Waves of wrath have surged about me; show Thy mercy ere I die.

Friend and lover are departed, dark and lonely is my way;
Lord, be Thou my Friend and Helper, still to Thee, O Lord, I pray.
Lord, the God of my salvation, day and night I cry to Thee;
Let my prayer now find acceptance; in Thy mercy answer me.


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