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Lord of the strong

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Lord of the strong, when earth you trod,
you calmly faced the angry sea,
and fierce unmasked hypocrisy,
the traitor's kiss, the rabble's hiss,
the awful death upon the tree:
all glory be to thee, O God.

Lord of the weak, when earth you trod,
oppressors writhed beneath your scorn;
the weak, despised, depraved, forlorn,
you taught to hope and know the scope
of love divine for all who mourn:
all glory be to thee, O God.

Lord of the rich, when earth you trod,
to Mammon's power you never bowed,
but taught how men with wealth endowed
in meekness' school might learn to rule
the demon that enslaves the proud:
all glory be to thee, O God.

Lord of the poor, when earth you trod,
the lot you chose was hard and poor;
you taught us hardness to endure,
and so to gain through hurt and pain
the wealth that lasts for evermore:
all glory be to thee, O God.

Lord of us all, when earth you trod,
the life you led was perfect, free,
defiant of all tyranny.
Now give us grace that we may face
our foes with like temerity,
and glory give to thee, O God.


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