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Lord of Our Life God Whom we Fear
Lord of our life, God Whom we fear,
Unknown, yet known; unseen, yet near;
Breath of our breath, in Thee we live;
Life of our life, our praise receive.

Thine eye detects the sparrow�s fall;
Thy heart of love expands for all;
Our throbbing life is full of Thee;
Throned in Thy vast infinity.

Shine in our darkness, Light of light,
Our minds illumine, disperse our night;
Make us responsive to Thy will;
Our souls with all Thy fullness fill.

We love Thy Name; we heed Thy rod;
Thy Word our law, O gracious God!
We wait Thy will; on Thee we call:
Our light, our life, our love, our all.


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