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Little While
Oh, for the peace that floweth as a river,
Making life�s desert places bloom and smile;
Oh, for the faith to grasp �Heav�n�s bright forever,�
Amid the shadows of earth�s �little while.�

�A little while� for patient vigil keeping,
To face the storm and wrestle with the strong;
�A little while� to sow the seed with weeping,
Then bind the sheaves and sing the harvest song.

�A little while� the earthen pitcher taking,
To wayside brooks, from far off fountains fed;
Then the parched lip its thirst forever slaking
Beside the fullness of the Fountainhead.

�A little while� to keep the oil from failing,
�A little while� faith�s flick�ring lamp to trim;
And then the Bridegroom�s coming footsteps hailing,
We�ll haste to meet Him with the bridal hymn.


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