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Lift Thy Face to the Light



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Is thy heart oppressed with sorrow?
Lift thy face to the light;
Dost thou dread a dark tomorrow?
Lift thy face to the light.
Still it shines unfailingly,
Just beyond the clouds for thee,
Love�s clear light, so full and free,
Lift thy face to the light.


Lift thy face to the light,
Lift thy face to the light,
Soon all clouds will pass away,
Soon will dawn the perfect day,
Lift thy face to the light!

When thy dearest hopes shall fail thee,
Lift thy face to the light;
When temptations strong assail thee,
Lift thy face to the light.
Closer cling when shadows fall,
God is with thee thro� them all,
He will hear thy faintest call,
Lift thy face to the light.


Thro� life�s sun and shadow singing,
Lift thy face to the light;
In thy heart God�s praises ringing,
Lift thy face to the light.
Other lives with grief bowed low,
From thine own may catch the glow,
Learn love�s fullest peace to know,
Lift thy face to the light.


New Lyrics Added In Late 2006 - Hymnlyrics.org