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Jesus, Thy Church with Longing Eyes

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Jesus, Thy church with longing eyes
For Thine expected coming waits:
When will the promised Light arise,
And glory beam from Zion�s gates?

E�en now, when tempests round us fall,
And wintry clouds o�ercast the sky,
Thy words with pleasure we recall,
And deem that our redemption�s nigh.

Come, gracious Lord, our hearts renew,
Our foes repel, our wrongs redress,
Man�s rooted enmity subdue,
And crown Thy Gospel with success.

O come, and reign o�er every land;
Let Satan from his throne be hurled;
Let nations bow to Thy command,
And grace revive a dying world.

Teach us in watchfulness and prayer
To wait for the appointed hour;
And fit us for Thy grace to share
The triumph of Thy conquering power.


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